Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family – a man her parents have never met. And if that weren’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before – keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents.



Director – George Barberi
Vocal Director – Brian Bohrer
Choreographer – Mandi Lynn Griffith-Gurell


Gomez: Steve Marsocci
Morticia: Kate Bond
Fester: Aaron Grippo
Wednesday: Tessa DeGrace
Pugsley: Cassidy Shur
Grandma: Ann Rhody
Lurch: John Caboot
Mal: Gary Nauman
Alice: Robin Morris-Gaylord

Lucas: Nick Swancott

Ancestors: Holly Lowden, Martin Yaravitz, Jane Bradstreet, Sydney Zobel, Madeline Utman, Jeanette Gruttadouria, Morena Heyden, Amy Mitchell, Alan Killenbeck, Paul Olcott, Donna Nauman, Alexis Russo, Gabriella Graney, Mary Kelley, Jaime Halter, Bianca Lewey, Kelly Jordan, Ella Jordan, Ashley Jordan, Ron Herman, Jane Huffer, Devin Mori, Anthony Jagla, Al Carvill, Ava Taylor, William Ruiz, Markese Williams, Delaney Cassono, Nadia Rock Palladino.
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